Trends and limits for quinoa production and promotion in Pakistan
Trends and limits for quinoa production and promotion in Pakistan
- Semences et Ressources génétiquesSeeds and Genetic ResourcesSemillas y recursos genéticos
- Agronomie et Systèmes de cultureAgronomy and Cropping systemsSistemas de Cultivos
- Génétique et Amélioration des plantesGenetics and Plant breedingGenética y fitomejoramiento
Region / Study sites
- Asia
Afzal I., Basra S.M.A., Rehman H.U., Iqbal S., Bazile D. 2022. Trends and limits for quinoa production and promotion in Pakistan. Plants, 11 (12) (n.spéc. Worldwide Evaluations of Quinoa-Biodiversity and Food Security under Climate Change Pressures) : 19 p.
Quinoa is known as a super food due to its extraordinary nutritional qualities and has the potential to ensure future global food and nutritional security. As a model plant with halophytic behavior, quinoa has potential to meet the challenges of climate change and salinization due to its capabilities for survival in harsh climatic conditions. The quinoa crop has received worldwide attention due to its adoption and production expanded in countries out of the native Andean region. Quinoa was introduced to Pakistan in 2009 and it is still a new crop in Pakistan. The first quinoa variety was registered in 2019, then afterward, its cultivation started on a larger scale. Weed pressure, terminal heat stress, stem lodging, bold grain size, and an unstructured market are the major challenges in the production and promotion of the crop. The potential of superior features of quinoa has not been fully explored and utilized. Hence, there is a need to acquire more diverse quinoa germplasm and to establish a strong breeding program to develop new lines with higher productivity and improved crop features for the Pakistan market. Mechanized production, processing practices, and a structured market are needed for further scaling of quinoa production in Pakistan. To achieve these objectives, there is a dire need to create an enabling environment for quinoa production and promotion through the involvement of policymakers, research institutions, farmers associations, and the private sector.
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Fichier : Afzalet_al2022_plants1101603_PAKISTAN.pdf
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When neglected species gain global interest: Lessons learned from quinoa's boom and bust for teff and minor millet
When neglected species gain global interest: Lessons learned from quinoa's boom and bust for teff and minor millet
- Agronomie et Systèmes de cultureAgronomy and Cropping systemsSistemas de Cultivos
- Marchés et FilièresMarkets and Food Chains ValuesMercados y Alimentos
- Alimentation humaineHuman food and nutritionAlimentación y nutrición humana
- Politiques publiquesPublic PoliciesPolíticas públicas
Region / Study sites
- Other
Andreotti F., Bazile D., Biaggi M.C., Callo-Concha D., Jacquet J., Jemal O.M., King O.I., Mbosso C., Padulosi S., Speelman E.N., Van Noordwijk M. 2022. When neglected species gain global interest: Lessons learned from quinoa's boom and bust for teff and minor millet. Global Food Security : 10 p.
Until recently, many so-called neglected and underutilized species (NUS) were not present in global markets despite playing a pivotal role in the local livelihoods in their places of origin. Today, some NUS receive substantial global interest and face growing global demands. Sudden increases in consumer demand trigger prices to rise; land-use change at the farm and national levels results in a rapid production increase. This phenomenon is known as “boom” and is usually followed by a “bust”, a rapid decrease in prices, and subsequently, production. This review elaborates on the boom-and-bust phases of two NUS: quinoa from the Andes and teff from Ethiopia.
We explored the potential upcoming boom of minor millets in India. Our study proposes a generic framework for exploring cross-scale interactions and rethinking sustainability pathways for future NUS booms.
We explored the potential upcoming boom of minor millets in India. Our study proposes a generic framework for exploring cross-scale interactions and rethinking sustainability pathways for future NUS booms.
Link to website
Fichier : AndreottiBazileetal2022_GFS_When_neglected_species_gain_global_interest1.pdf
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Irrigation regimes and nitrogen rates as the contributing factors in quinoa yield to increase water and nitrogen efficiencies
Irrigation regimes and nitrogen rates as the contributing factors in quinoa yield to increase water and nitrogen efficiencies
- Agronomie et Systèmes de cultureAgronomy and Cropping systemsSistemas de Cultivos
Region / Study sites
- Middle East
Bahrami M., Talebnejad R., Sepaskhah A.R., Bazile D. 2022. Irrigation regimes and nitrogen rates as the contributing factors in quinoa yield to increase water and nitrogen efficiencies. Plants, 11 (15) : 20 p.
Sustainable field crop management has been considered to reach the food security issue due to global warming and water scarcity. The effect of deficit irrigation and nitrogen rates on quinoa yield is a challenging issue in those areas. In this regard, the interaction effects of different N rates (0, 125, 250, and 375 kg N ha1) and irrigation regimes [full irrigation (FI) and deficit irrigation at 0.75 FI and 0.5 FI] on quinoa yield and water and nitrogen efficiencies were evaluated with a two-year field experiment. Increasing nitrogen fertilizer application levels from 250 to 375 kg N ha1 under FI and deficit irrigation did not cause a significant difference in seed yield and the total dry matter of quinoa. Furthermore, 20% and 34% reductions were observed for nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and nitrogen yield efficiency with the application of 375 kg N ha1 compared with that obtained in 250 kg N ha1 nitrogen fertilizer, respectively. Therefore, a Nitrogen application rate of 250 kg ha1 and applying 0.75 FI is suggested as the optimum rate to reach the highest seed water use efficiency (0.7 kg m3) and NUE (0.28 kg m3) to gain 4.12 Mg ha1 quinoa seed yield. Under non–limited water resource conditions, an FI and N application rate of 375 kg ha1 could be used for higher seed
yield; however, under water-deficit regimes, an N application rate of 250 kg ha1 could be adequate. However, questions about which environmental factors impressively restricted the quinoa growth for optimizing the potential yield need further investigation.
yield; however, under water-deficit regimes, an N application rate of 250 kg ha1 could be adequate. However, questions about which environmental factors impressively restricted the quinoa growth for optimizing the potential yield need further investigation.
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Fichier : plants1102048.pdf
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Adaptation of some quinoa genotypes (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), grown in a saharan climate in Algeria
Adaptation of some quinoa genotypes (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), grown in a saharan climate in Algeria
- Semences et Ressources génétiquesSeeds and Genetic ResourcesSemillas y recursos genéticos
- Agronomie et Systèmes de cultureAgronomy and Cropping systemsSistemas de Cultivos
Region / Study sites
- North Africa
Maamri K., Djerroudi Zidane O., Chaabena A., Fiene G., Bazile D. 2022. Adaptation of some quinoa genotypes (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), grown in a saharan climate in Algeria. Life, 12 (11) (n.spéc. Plant Biotic and Abiotic Stresses) : 22 p.
Agriculture in southern Algeria faces several challenges that hinder its development, including drought, high temperatures and the excessive salinity of soil and groundwater. The introduction of crops resistant to these factors is one of the solutions chosen to address these abiotic constraints. This research aimed to evaluate the behavior of quinoa (Chenopodium Quinoa Willd.) grown in the Ouargla region of southeastern Algeria. Five varieties of quinoa (Santa maria, Giza1, Amarilla Sacaca, Blanca de Junin and Kancolla) were tested at two sites that differed in terms of soil salinity (9.95 mS/cm and 0.85 mS/cm) during 2019 and 2020. A complete random block experimental design with four repetitions was used for the agronomic tests. Our results clearly show that higher grain yields were obtained at the high salinity site (site 1) compared to the low salinity site (site 2). However, plant height, grain yield per plant and harvest index differed between varieties and sites. In contrast, stem diameter was not greatly affected by salinity. The varieties that seem to be best adapted to the growing conditions of the Ouargla region are, in descending order: Santa Maria, Giza1, Amarilla Sacaca and Blanca de Junin. When testing quinoa in new environments, it is critical to adapt the cropping cycle of varieties to avoid very high temperatures. The choice to switch to winter cultivation instead of spring cultivation can be an essential criterion for success. The biogeographical approach conducted in this research opens up new perspectives for the adaptation and cultivation of quinoa outside its region of origin to satisfy the food security of the people of North Africa.
Link to website
Fichier : Maamri2022_Life1201854_Adaptation_of_Some_Quinoa_genotypes_grown_in_a_saharan_climate_in_Algeria.pdf
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