Talebnejad Rezvan
Last Name
First Name
Your function
Assistant Professor
Your institution
Shiraz University
Type of organization
- Centre de rechercheResearch centerCentro de investigación
- Organisme de formationTraining organizationFormación Agrícola
Other, precise
Drogth research center
Postal address
Iran, Shiraz, Bajgah, School of agriculture, Water Engineering department, Drought research center
Iran (République islamique d')
Your area of work
- RechercheResearchInvestigación
- Animation et formationTrainingAnimación y Formación
Theme of expertise
- Agronomie et Systèmes de cultureAgronomy and Cropping systemsSistemas de Cultivos
Other theme of expertise
Agricultural water management, water and salinity stress, Irrigation design
All working languages
- English
Other language, specify
What do you expect of a collaborative network on quinoa?
Team working on quinoa interests.
Introduce Quinoa for profecients and non profecients
Funds especially for young researchers
Introduce Quinoa for profecients and non profecients
Funds especially for young researchers
What degree of interest do you have in professional networks?
What communication tools do you expect for a network?
- site webwebsitePágina web
In which field of expertise would you like to receive further collaboration?
- Semences et Ressources génétiquesSeeds and Genetic ResourcesSemillas y recursos genéticos
- Agronomie et Systèmes de cultureAgronomy and Cropping systemsSistemas de Cultivos
Other themes of expertise
Agricultural water management, water and nutrition requirement
Priority actions to implement in order to facilitate direct or virtual contacts
- Visites de terrainField visits/ Study toursGiras en terreno
- Journées d’informationInformation Days in UniversitiesJornadas de información
- Ateliers-débats / Tables-rondesWorkshops to debate crucial points / Round tablesTalleres y Mesas redondas
- Formations thématiquesThematic trainings Cursos especificos
- Congrès mondialInternational CongressCongreso mundial
- Ateliers sur nouvelles technologies du web pour communiquerMeeting to use IC-Tools for communicateCapacitación sobre herramientas de collaboración de la web
Priority actions to guide research agenda
- Projets colloboratifs en communCommon collaborative projectsProyectos de colaboración comunes
- Recherche participativeParticipatory researchInvestigación Participativa
- Experimentations multilocalesMulti-regional field trialsPruebas de campo multi-regionales
- Comparaison de contenu nutritionnelNutritional contents comparisonsComparaciones de contenido nutricional
Priority actions to raise awareness
- Publications dans des revues internationalesPublications in international journalsPublicaciones en revistas internacionales
- Créer une revue spécifique sur QuinoaCreate a Quinoa JournalCrear una revista especifica sobre la Quinoa
- Base de données de publications sur le quinoaPublications-Share (Publication database on quinoa)Base de datos compartida de publicaciónes sobre quinua
Priority actions to promote global initiatives
- Système de partage des semencesSeed sharing system / Cooperative Seed SystemSistema de intercambio de semillas
- Identité du territoire et/ou des communautés localesIdentity of territory and/or local communitiesIdentidad del territorio y/o de las comunidades locales
- Normes pour une production durable du quinoaStandards to continue quinoa and make it sustainableNormas para una producción sustentable de quinoa
- Participation des organisations de consommateursInvolvement of consumers’ organizationsParticipación de las organizaciones de consumidores
- Plan de travail collaboratifGlobal collaborative work planPlan de trabajo global para colaborar
- Recherches de FondsMultilateral fund raisingBusqueda de fondos multilaterales
Are you directly responsible for conducting quinoa crop trials in your country? ?
Non - No