Sanad Marwa
Last Name
First Name
Your function
Research Associate
Your institution
Washington State University
Type of organization
- Centre de rechercheResearch centerCentro de investigación
Postal address
100 Dairy Rd., Clark Hall, Room 245, IBC, WSU
Etats-Unis d'Amérique
Your area of work
- RechercheResearchInvestigación
Theme of expertise
- Génétique et Amélioration des plantesGenetics and Plant breedingGenética y fitomejoramiento
Other theme of expertise
Dynamics of Peroxisomes under Abiotic Stresses
All working languages
- English
- Arab
What do you expect of a collaborative network on quinoa?
I am a molecular biologist. Although quinoa is a unique and interesting plant model, still missing a lot of biological, genomic and transcriptomic information. Thus, collaboration network and sharing data would help significantly to employ quinoa soon as an informative model for the sustainable crops.
What degree of interest do you have in professional networks?
What suggestions would you make for the future development of the quinoa network?
Establish bridges between quinoa breeders and plant biologists.
What communication tools do you expect for a network?
- site webwebsitePágina web
- Co-écriture d'articlesco-writing papersCo-escritura de Artículos
Other, specify
Other themes of expertise
Enviromental stresses, Epigenetics, Genomic, Transcriptomic, and proteomic
Priority actions to implement in order to facilitate direct or virtual contacts
- Ateliers-débats / Tables-rondesWorkshops to debate crucial points / Round tablesTalleres y Mesas redondas
- Echanges de professionnelsProfessional exchangesIntercambio de profesionales
- Congrès mondialInternational CongressCongreso mundial
Priority actions to guide research agenda
- Consortium de RechercheResearch ConsortiumConsortium de investigación
- Projets colloboratifs en communCommon collaborative projectsProyectos de colaboración comunes
- Co-tutelle d’étudiantsCo-orientation of StudentsCo-tutela de alumnos
- Recherche participativeParticipatory researchInvestigación Participativa
- Protocoles et analyse de donnéesProtocols design and analysis of experimentsProtocolos y tratamiento de datos
- Experimentations multilocalesMulti-regional field trialsPruebas de campo multi-regionales
Priority actions to raise awareness
- Recommandations pour la vulgarisation agricoleCo-Writing for agricultural extensionRecomandaciones para la extensión agrícola
- Créer une revue spécifique sur QuinoaCreate a Quinoa JournalCrear una revista especifica sobre la Quinoa
- Bulletin périodique / Quinoa GazettePeriodic Newsletter / Quinoa newsNewsletter / noticias quinoa
- Interviews de membresPublish Interviews of membersEntrevistas publicadas de los miembros
- Base de données de publications sur le quinoaPublications-Share (Publication database on quinoa)Base de datos compartida de publicaciónes sobre quinua
Are you directly responsible for conducting quinoa crop trials in your country? ?
Non - No