Ceci est une version archivée de PrivateFarms à 2015-12-22 22:33:48

Private Farms

Locality / province / region Sahel El-Tina, EL-Quantara Sharak El-Fayoum and Ismalia
City Ismalia and Fayoum Governrates
Other country Egypt
Number of years of experimentation more than ten years
Total annual rainfall (P mm) less than 150 mm
Minimum temperature of the year (°C) 8
Maximum temperature of the year (°C) 38
Main type of soil at the site (Textures) Argileux - Clay - Franco arcilloso
Soil salinity Oui - Yes - Si
Other features of the site The first site is highly affected with salinity in the clay soil but the irrigation water is good. The second site there are saline in both soil and water but moderate salinity. The third site is sandy soil without salinity but the ground water is moderate saline.
What test results are important to you to share in the network ?
  • Variétés testéesVarieties testedVariedades probadas
  • Date de semisSowing datesFechas de siembra
  • RendementsYieldsRendimientos
  • Analyse nutritionnelleNutritional analysisAnálisis nutricional
Others Nutritional value of quinoa leaves