Mathew, ABANG
Last Name
First Name
Your function
Crop Production Officer, FAO Subregional Office for Eastern Africa
Your institution
Type of organization
- Institution internationaleInternational organizationOrganización internacional /
Postal address
Mathew M. Abang
Crop Production Officer
FAO Sub-Regional Office for Eastern Africa
CMC Road near ILRI, Gurd Shola, Bole Sub City, Kebele 12/13
P.O. Box 5536, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel. +251 (0) 116478888 ext 125
Fax. +251 (0) 116478800/80
Cell: +251-935-986406
Skype: mathew.abang
Crop Production Officer
FAO Sub-Regional Office for Eastern Africa
CMC Road near ILRI, Gurd Shola, Bole Sub City, Kebele 12/13
P.O. Box 5536, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel. +251 (0) 116478888 ext 125
Fax. +251 (0) 116478800/80
Cell: +251-935-986406
Skype: mathew.abang
Addis Ababa
Your area of work
- Conseil agricoleAgricultural AdvisoryAsesor Agrícola
Other, specify
Network collaboration
Theme of expertise
- Agronomie et Systèmes de cultureAgronomy and Cropping systemsSistemas de Cultivos
- Génétique et Amélioration des plantesGenetics and Plant breedingGenética y fitomejoramiento
- Marchés et FilièresMarkets and Food Chains ValuesMercados y Alimentos
- Transformation Post-récoltePost Harvesting processPostcosecha
First working language
Anglais | English | Ingles
All working languages
- Français
Other language, specify
Network coordination
What do you expect of a collaborative network on quinoa?
- Network bound by a common interest to develop quinoa in Africa
- Network with a common logical framework and shared work plan
- Network for sharing experiences and knowledge so that everyone moves forward
- Network with a website and database (e.g. of experts and other valuable information)
- Network for resource mobilization to continue carrying out collaborative activities
- Database of experts
- Network with a common logical framework and shared work plan
- Network for sharing experiences and knowledge so that everyone moves forward
- Network with a website and database (e.g. of experts and other valuable information)
- Network for resource mobilization to continue carrying out collaborative activities
- Database of experts
What degree of interest do you have in professional networks?
Very high interest
What suggestions would you make for the future development of the quinoa network?
- Network needs to have bye-laws that guide the functioning of the network
- There needs to be effective coordination/facilitation of quinoa network activities
- Network members should have vested interest in the success of the network
- There needs to be effective coordination/facilitation of quinoa network activities
- Network members should have vested interest in the success of the network
What communication tools do you expect for a network?
- site webwebsitePágina web
- notes d'informationnewsletterBoletín de información
- veille thématiquethematic press-monitoring serviceAvisos temáticos
- nouveaux outils de collaborationnew collaborative tools availableHerramientas de colaboración
- Co-écriture d'articlesco-writing papersCo-escritura de Artículos
Do you have any suggestions for people to invite to the quinoa network (Name - contact email) ?
1) Maurice E Oyoo
Faculty of Agriculture,
Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils,
Egerton University,
P.O Box 536, 20115 Egerton, Kenya.
Mobile +254-722-359-676
E-mail: or
2) Robert Leong
Faculty of Agriculture,
Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils,
Egerton University,
P.O Box 536, 20115 Egerton, Kenya.
Mobile +254-722-359-676
E-mail: or
2) Robert Leong
Are you directly responsible for conducting quinoa crop trials in your country? ?
Non - No