János Borsi
Last Name
First Name
Your function
Your institution
Other, precise
I'm a private researcher
Postal address
Rakoczi str.4.
Other country
Hungary (Magyarország)
Other, specify
I'm a pensioner
Theme of expertise
- Autres usagesOther usesOtros usos de la quinoa
First working language
Anglais | English | Ingles
Other language, specify
but at first I would like to learn it.
What do you expect of a collaborative network on quinoa?
Maybe I get an answer if I have some problem.
What degree of interest do you have in professional networks?
I collect all information which was released about quinoa and I can reach them.
These collection could be help afterwards our research on development of quinoa here in Hungary.
These collection could be help afterwards our research on development of quinoa here in Hungary.
What suggestions would you make for the future development of the quinoa network?
In moment I have no idea.
What communication tools do you expect for a network?
- site webwebsitePágina web
- notes d'informationnewsletterBoletín de información
- veille thématiquethematic press-monitoring serviceAvisos temáticos
- nouveaux outils de collaborationnew collaborative tools availableHerramientas de colaboración
- Co-écriture d'articlesco-writing papersCo-escritura de Artículos
Are you directly responsible for conducting quinoa crop trials in your country? ?
Oui - Yes - Si