Fiene Gabriele
Last Name
First Name
Your function
Quinoa phenotyping
Your institution
Type of organization
- Institution internationaleInternational organizationOrganización internacional /
- Centre de rechercheResearch centerCentro de investigación
- Organisation professionnelle agricoleAgricultural Professional OrganizationOrganización profesional agraria
Other, precise
University research, BTA, Horticulterist
Postal address
34000 Montpellier
Your area of work
- Montage, suivi de projetsProject monitoringProyectos de desarrollo
- RechercheResearchInvestigación
- Conseil agricoleAgricultural AdvisoryAsesor Agrícola
Theme of expertise
- Autres usagesOther usesOtros usos de la quinoa
Other theme of expertise
Tomato grafting and quinoa growth
First working language
Anglais | English | Ingles
All working languages
- English
- Français
Other language, specify
What do you expect of a collaborative network on quinoa?
exchange of knowlodge
What degree of interest do you have in professional networks?
I am working around the globe and I am growing quinoa in several countries
What suggestions would you make for the future development of the quinoa network?
We all have to work together to find and breed the best quinoa for each country and replace rice with quinoa in countries w/o water.
What communication tools do you expect for a network?
- site webwebsitePágina web
- notes d'informationnewsletterBoletín de información
- nouveaux outils de collaborationnew collaborative tools availableHerramientas de colaboración
In which field of expertise would you like to receive further collaboration?
- Semences et Ressources génétiquesSeeds and Genetic ResourcesSemillas y recursos genéticos
- Agronomie et Systèmes de cultureAgronomy and Cropping systemsSistemas de Cultivos
- Marchés et FilièresMarkets and Food Chains ValuesMercados y Alimentos
- Transformation Post-récoltePost Harvesting processPostcosecha
- Alimentation humaineHuman food and nutritionAlimentación y nutrición humana
Priority actions to implement in order to facilitate direct or virtual contacts
- Visites de terrainField visits/ Study toursGiras en terreno
- Journées d’informationInformation Days in UniversitiesJornadas de información
- Ateliers-débats / Tables-rondesWorkshops to debate crucial points / Round tablesTalleres y Mesas redondas
- Formations thématiquesThematic trainings Cursos especificos
- Echanges de professionnelsProfessional exchangesIntercambio de profesionales
- Congrès mondialInternational CongressCongreso mundial
- Séminaires régionauxRegional seminarsTalleres regionales
- Ateliers sur nouvelles technologies du web pour communiquerMeeting to use IC-Tools for communicateCapacitación sobre herramientas de collaboración de la web
Priority actions to guide research agenda
- Consortium de RechercheResearch ConsortiumConsortium de investigación
- Co-tutelle d’étudiantsCo-orientation of StudentsCo-tutela de alumnos
- Experimentations multilocalesMulti-regional field trialsPruebas de campo multi-regionales
Priority actions to raise awareness
- Pratiques agronomiques / Conseils techniquesAgronomic practices / Technical guidanceBuenas prácticas agronómicas
- Interviews de membresPublish Interviews of membersEntrevistas publicadas de los miembros
- Recettes locales par régionsLocal recipes by regionsRecetas regionales
Priority actions to promote global initiatives
- Système de partage des semencesSeed sharing system / Cooperative Seed SystemSistema de intercambio de semillas
- Protection des variétés (locales ou non)Protection of landraces/varietiesProtección de variedades (locales e otras)
- Identité du territoire et/ou des communautés localesIdentity of territory and/or local communitiesIdentidad del territorio y/o de las comunidades locales
- Certifications et labels alternatifsAlternatives certifications and labelsAlternativas de certificaciones
- Participation des organisations de consommateursInvolvement of consumers’ organizationsParticipación de las organizaciones de consumidores
- Plan de travail collaboratifGlobal collaborative work planPlan de trabajo global para colaborar
Are you directly responsible for conducting quinoa crop trials in your country? ?
Oui - Yes - Si