Complexe Horticole d'Agadir

You're ? Hirich Abdelaziz
Locality / province / region Station expérimentale du Complexe Horticole d'Agadir Ait Melloul, within the SWUPMED EU funded project
City Agadir
Other country Morocco
Number of years of experimentation 4
Total annual rainfall (P mm) 220
Minimum temperature of the year (°C) 2
Maximum temperature of the year (°C) 45
Average annual temperature (°C) 25
Altitude (masl) 30
Main type of soil at the site (Textures) Limoneux - Loam - Franco arenoso
Soil salinity Non - No
What test results are important to you to share in the network ?
  • Variétés testéesVarieties testedVariedades probadas
  • Date de semisSowing datesFechas de siembra
  • Taux de germinationGermination ratesTasas de germinación
  • Calendrier des Opérations culturalesFarming operations and timing of cultural operationsCalendario de trabajos agricolas en la parcela
  • FertilisationFertilizationFertilización
  • IrrigationIrrigationRiego
  • RendementsYieldsRendimientos
  • Données météorologiquesWeather dataDatos meteorológicos
  • Analyse physico-chimiques des solsPhysico-chemical analysis of soilsAnálisis físico-químico de suelos
Others physiological, biochemical