chang WANG
Last Name
First Name
Your function
Associate Researcher
Your institution
Institute of Crop Sciences, GanSu Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Type of organization
- Organisation professionnelle agricoleAgricultural Professional OrganizationOrganización profesional agraria
Other country
People's Republic of China
Your area of work
- RechercheResearchInvestigación
- Conseil agricoleAgricultural AdvisoryAsesor Agrícola
Theme of expertise
- Semences et Ressources génétiquesSeeds and Genetic ResourcesSemillas y recursos genéticos
- Génétique et Amélioration des plantesGenetics and Plant breedingGenética y fitomejoramiento
First working language
Anglais | English | Ingles
All working languages
- English
Other language, specify
What do you expect of a collaborative network on quinoa?
1.Quinoa germplasm
2.Quinoa disease prevention
2.Quinoa disease prevention
What degree of interest do you have in professional networks?
I an very interested in this Quinoa professional networks
What communication tools do you expect for a network?
- site webwebsitePágina web
- Co-écriture d'articlesco-writing papersCo-escritura de Artículos
In which field of expertise would you like to receive further collaboration?
- Semences et Ressources génétiquesSeeds and Genetic ResourcesSemillas y recursos genéticos
- Génétique et Amélioration des plantesGenetics and Plant breedingGenética y fitomejoramiento
Priority actions to guide research agenda
- Projets colloboratifs en communCommon collaborative projectsProyectos de colaboración comunes
- Recherche participativeParticipatory researchInvestigación Participativa
- Protocoles et analyse de donnéesProtocols design and analysis of experimentsProtocolos y tratamiento de datos
Priority actions to raise awareness
- Recommandations pour la vulgarisation agricoleCo-Writing for agricultural extensionRecomandaciones para la extensión agrícola
- Publications dans des revues internationalesPublications in international journalsPublicaciones en revistas internacionales
Priority actions to promote global initiatives
- Système de partage des semencesSeed sharing system / Cooperative Seed SystemSistema de intercambio de semillas
- Protection des variétés (locales ou non)Protection of landraces/varietiesProtección de variedades (locales e otras)
- Normes pour une production durable du quinoaStandards to continue quinoa and make it sustainableNormas para una producción sustentable de quinoa
- Participation des organisations de consommateursInvolvement of consumers’ organizationsParticipación de las organizaciones de consumidores
- Formaliser une associationFormalize an associationFormular una asociación
Are you directly responsible for conducting quinoa crop trials in your country? ?
Oui - Yes - Si