Quinoa Research Base of Xi Bei Tang Quinoa Technology Company

You're ? Liu Minguo
Locality / province / region Minle County, Zhangye, Gansu Province, China
City Zhangye
Country Chine
First year of experimentation 2015
Number of years of experimentation 5
Total annual rainfall (P mm) 300
Minimum temperature of the year (°C) 36
Maximum temperature of the year (°C) -20
Average annual temperature (°C) 4
Altitude (masl) 1740
Main type of soil at the site (Textures) Sableux - Sandy - Arena
Soil salinity Oui - Yes - Si
What test results are important to you to share in the network ?
  • Date de semisSowing datesFechas de siembra
  • Taux de germinationGermination ratesTasas de germinación
  • FertilisationFertilizationFertilización
  • IrrigationIrrigationRiego
  • RendementsYieldsRendimientos
Others In this experimental base, we have achieved the following results with our efforts: 1. We have increased the actual yield of the field to 4.5 t/ha; 2. We have shortened the growth cycle to less than 90 days; 3. For the first time, we have planted two seasons in a year, with the cumulative yield exceeding 7.5 t/ha.