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\r\nQuinoa is one of the new plant for Turkey. We did some research on this plant and got good results. The problem is there is no enough seed or variety. As a governmental research institute, we would like to start a new variety breeding program. Therefore, it would be great to get this genetic material and search for breeding potential","bf_ville":"Antalya","listeListePays":"TR","bf_pays":,"bf_latitude":"36.9008783","bf_longitude":"30.6937117","listeListeAnnee":"17","bf_nbreannee":"5","bf_pluvio":"1000","bf_tmin":"2","bf_tmax":"45","bf_tmoy":"18","bf_alti":"10","listeListeSol":"ar","listeListeSalinite":"non","bf_seminaire":"Quinoa is one of the new plant for Turkey. We did some research on this plant and got good results. The problem is there is no enough seed or variety. As a governmental research institute, we would like to start a new variety breeding program. Therefore, it would be great to get this genetic material and search for breeding potential","checkboxListeResultats":"var,and,see","bf_autres":,"bf_publication":,"id_typeannonce":"5","id_fiche":"QuinoA","categorie_fiche":,"date_creation_fiche":"2017-02-16 08:12:29","statut_fiche":"1","date_maj_fiche":"2017-02-17 14:22:21","geolocation":{"bf_latitude":"36.9008783","bf_longitude":"30.6937117"}}