Maarouf, Mohammed

Last Name Maarouf
First Name Mohammed
Your function plant breeder
Your institution Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC) Sudan
Type of organization
  • Centre de rechercheResearch centerCentro de investigación
  • ConsultantConsultantConsultor
Postal address Shambat Research Station 30
Khartoum North
City Khartoum North
Other country Sudan
Your area of work
  • RechercheResearchInvestigación
Theme of expertise
  • Agronomie et Systèmes de cultureAgronomy and Cropping systemsSistemas de Cultivos
  • Génétique et Amélioration des plantesGenetics and Plant breedingGenética y fitomejoramiento
First working language Anglais | English | Ingles
All working languages
  • English
What do you expect of a collaborative network on quinoa? Exchange views, experience, literature, plant materials, and scientific visits
Help establishing effective frameworks of quinoa research and production
What degree of interest do you have in professional networks? I didn’t understand the question. However, I’m fully interested in a professional quinoa network
What suggestions would you make for the future development of the quinoa network? Networks should first be developed at sub-levels (i.e. ecological, continental, functional etc..). Representatives from each level will form the main quinoa network.
What communication tools do you expect for a network?
  • site webwebsitePágina web
  • notes d'informationnewsletterBoletín de información
  • Co-écriture d'articlesco-writing papersCo-escritura de Artículos
Do you have any suggestions for people to invite to the quinoa network (Name - contact email) ? Maha ZeinElabdein Gaffer Omer
Plant breeder
Agricultural Research Corporation
P.O.Box:126, Wad Madani, Sudan.
Email :
Mobile.:+249 9 113 922 59
Are you directly responsible for conducting quinoa crop trials in your country? ? Oui - Yes - Si