Encalilla - Tucuman - Argentina
You're ?
Juan Antonio González
Locality / province / region
Encalilla - Amaicha del Valle - Tucumán province - Argentina
Other country
Number of years of experimentation
7 and more
Total annual rainfall (P mm)
150 - 180 mm/year
Minimum temperature of the year (°C)
Maximum temperature of the year (°C)
Altitude (masl)
Main type of soil at the site (Textures)
Sableux - Sandy - Arena
Soil salinity
Oui - Yes - Si
What test results are important to you to share in the network ?
- Variétés testéesVarieties testedVariedades probadas
- Pays andin d'origine de la variété (région-écotype)Andean country of origin of the variety and region-ecotypeOrigen andina de la variedad
- Taux de germinationGermination ratesTasas de germinación
- FertilisationFertilizationFertilización
- RendementsYieldsRendimientos
- Analyse nutritionnelleNutritional analysisAnálisis nutricional
- Analyse physico-chimiques des solsPhysico-chemical analysis of soilsAnálisis físico-químico de suelos