Bieri Sabin
Last Name
First Name
Your function
Associate Director of CDE
Your institution
Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern
Type of organization
- Centre de rechercheResearch centerCentro de investigación
Postal address
Hallerstrasse 10
Other theme of expertise
Producers livelihoods, rural employment and trends in poverty reduction
First working language
Anglais | English | Ingles
All working languages
- English
- Castellano
- Français
Other language, specify
What do you expect of a collaborative network on quinoa?
Exchange of research results, project calls, funding opportunities, collaborative working/research initiative, information exchange
What degree of interest do you have in professional networks?
a high degree
What suggestions would you make for the future development of the quinoa network?
Foster special edition of a journal on quinoa to substantiate debates around quinoa and to argue against some of the speculations around the quinoa boom.
What communication tools do you expect for a network?
- site webwebsitePágina web
- notes d'informationnewsletterBoletín de información
- veille thématiquethematic press-monitoring serviceAvisos temáticos
Other, specify
organisation of conferences/workshops
In which field of expertise would you like to receive further collaboration?
- Agronomie et Systèmes de cultureAgronomy and Cropping systemsSistemas de Cultivos
- Marchés et FilièresMarkets and Food Chains ValuesMercados y Alimentos
Other themes of expertise
development perspectives, migration, well-being of producer families
Priority actions to implement in order to facilitate direct or virtual contacts
- Ateliers-débats / Tables-rondesWorkshops to debate crucial points / Round tablesTalleres y Mesas redondas
- Echanges de professionnelsProfessional exchangesIntercambio de profesionales
- Congrès mondialInternational CongressCongreso mundial
- Séminaires régionauxRegional seminarsTalleres regionales
Priority actions to guide research agenda
- Projets colloboratifs en communCommon collaborative projectsProyectos de colaboración comunes
Priority actions to raise awareness
- Publications dans des revues internationalesPublications in international journalsPublicaciones en revistas internacionales
- Base de données de publications sur le quinoaPublications-Share (Publication database on quinoa)Base de datos compartida de publicaciónes sobre quinua
Priority actions to promote global initiatives
- Système de partage des semencesSeed sharing system / Cooperative Seed SystemSistema de intercambio de semillas
- Certifications et labels alternatifsAlternatives certifications and labelsAlternativas de certificaciones
- Participation des producteurs andinsInvolvement of local producers in the Andean RegionParticipación de los productores andinos
- Participation des organisations de consommateursInvolvement of consumers’ organizationsParticipación de las organizaciones de consumidores
- Recherches de FondsMultilateral fund raisingBusqueda de fondos multilaterales
Are you directly responsible for conducting quinoa crop trials in your country? ?
Non - No